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Affordable Fees

At DuMars Family Chiropractic, we're not afraid to be upfront with our prices. That's because we pride ourselves in having a fee system that makes chiropractic care affordable for the whole family. And best of all, no insurance is required! Choose the option that works best for your family.

Pay Per Visit

 Initial Visit

 Regular Visit

Not sure if a membership is for you? No problem!


Our simple per-visit fee is a low flat rate no matter the nature of your visit.

Individual Membership

 First Month

 Subsequent Months

Join our chiropractic family and get access to chiropractic care whenever you want!


No need to stress about paying each visit. It's all included!

Family Membership

 First Month

 Subsequent Months

Just like an individual membership, but the entire family gets care!


Incluedes up to 2 parents and all dependent children living in the same household. We think it's a pretty awesome deal!

Annual Membership



Just like the monthly membership, but pay for a year of care up front and get a free month!

Workplace Welness Membership

 Monthly Base Fee


Boost productivity and morale and prevent injuries with the Workplace Wellness Membership! Provide your team with the benefit of wellness chiropractic care for a healthier, happier and more engaged workforce

Schedule Appointment
Contact Us

Questions? Text us at 603-542-7726

or leave a message here!

39 Myrtle St
Claremont, NH 03743

Text is best: 603-542-7726

-or- Contact Us

  • Check us on FB!
  • Our IG Profile!

Monday: 2pm - 6pm

Tuesday: 7am - 6pm

Wednesday: 9am - 6pm

Thursday: 9am - 6pm

Friday: 7am - 11am

​​Sat & Sun: CLOSED

DuMars Family Chiropracitc
ICPA international chiropractic pediatric association
Webster Certified - pediatric chiropractic
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