We get extraordinary results because we know the principle behind your health: The POWER that made the body HEALS the body!
It happens NO OTHER way.
The key is finding and removing interference to your brain-body communication through the chiropractic adjustment!
Chiropractic adjustments help ensure proper brain connections during the most important part of development:
birth to age six!
We help with bumps and falls, but even more, we help strengthen a healthy brain!
SO MANY changes happen during pregnancy! Chiropractic helps balance the body's changes, as well as the emotional and neurological changes also.
Chiropractic has long been trusted to support healthier pregnancies with fewer medical interventions!
Our vision is for your whole family to be under care! Who wouldn't want less pain, fewer tantrums, better sleep and greater joy?
Chiropractic helps so much more than pain - it has been shown to increase the function of the whole body!
We See You
YOU are "fearfully and wonderfully made" (Ps. 139:14) so we know your body is INTELLIGENT and you were designed to live a long, healthy, life! (Gen 6:3, Isa 65:20)
We know you're unique and that's why we have so many tools to choose from when we customize your care recommendations
We are constantly learning and honing the techniques and skills we use to get the best results. Our doctors have done hundreds of hours of specialty training in pediatric, prenatal and family care to make sure your results are second-to-none.
Click below to learn about the 10+ techniques we use on the daily!

About The Doc
I'm Dr. Alexander DuMars!
I'm a born-again, spirit filled, believer in Jesus Christ and that's why I KNOW you were made ON-PURPOSE (Jer 29:11). I lived a very messy life for 25 years until the Lord found me (Col 1:13, Ps 139:8) and introduced me to Chiropractic.
I've witnessed absolute healing miracles which is why I have faith that the all-natural approach of chiropractic care WILL help accellerate your healing journey!
Affordable Fees
At DuMars Family Chiropractic, we're not afraid to be upfront with our prices. That's because we pride ourselves in having a fee system that makes chiropractic care affordable for the whole family. And best of all, no insurance is required! Choose the option that works best for your family.
Pay Per Visit
Initial Visit
Regular Visit
Not sure if a membership is for you? No problem! Our simple per-visit fee is a low flat rate no matter the nature of your visit.
Individual Membership
First Month
Subsequent Months
Join our chiropractic family and get access to chiropractic care! No need to stress about paying each visit. It's all included!
Family Membership
First Month
Subsequent Months
Just like an individual membership, but the entire family can get care! Incluedes 2 parents and all dependent children living in the same household. We think it's a pretty awesome deal!